Professional Service of Legal Process

Businesses & Corporations


Single Trip Service

While all Service of Process throughout all New York is considered "Routine," there are distinctions between Business & Personal Service with regard to pricing, commensurate with the effort required. 

Some of the larger companies we Serve within the Greater Rochester NY Area include:

A "Business Serve" is one where a location is open and a representative on-site who's authorized to accept Service of Legal Process on behalf of the entity (business, government, religious organization, etc.) is scheduled to be during normal business hours. This type of Service requires all the steps be followed while only requiring a single trip / visit (attempt) to complete.

In the event that the business has permanently closed, it may still be possible to have them Served through the New York State Secretary of State!

Government Agencies


Authorized Agent(s)

Service of Process upon various departments within specific government agencies may also require that Service take place at a designated location:

Finding the specifically designated authorized agent is the key to Serving government agencies.

Medical Records & Testimony


Subpoena Duces Tecum & Ad Testificandum

Obtaining medical records and testimony for an upcoming court case just got a whole lot easier!

Doctor's offices, private practices, and even larger medical groups throughout our area have have found themselves under new management in one way or another, and several smaller specialized practices have also been consolidated.

While the paperwork might indicate the specific doctor, practice, or other location (regarding the records being sought), the "Point of Service" isn't always the same (based on these & other changes).

Law firms specializing in medical lawsuits rely on us to provide Proof of Service as quickly as possible, to keep costs low, not waste trips, and provide proper Service on the first try.


Witness Fee Checks

Corporate requests for Service upon an entity such as a "Subpoena Duces Tecum" or "Subpoena Duces Testificandum") will often require that a Witness Fee Check be provided to the Respondent with the document(s). Please be sure to let us know if this is the case.